Safety Precautions at BRT

Rest assured! You can feel safe at Bristol Riverside Theatre. We are working with guidelines from the CDC, Pennsylvania Department of Health and the Bucks County Health Department to develop the most comprehensive plan to keep everyone safe.

Mask & Vaccination Enforcement

At this time, we will not require proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test. Masks are optional.

It may be amended at anytime for the runs of future productions. The safety of our patrons, staff, and crew is very important to us.

Ventilation System

We upgraded our filtration to a MERV-13 as recommended by the CDC.

Increased Cleaning & Sanitation Procedures

We will continue thorough and more frequent disinfection with CDC recommended products and special attention to high-touch areas. We’ve installed touchless paper towel dispensers in all bathrooms. Hand sanitizer will be available in our lobby at all times.